Grabbing Every Good Opportunity and Sharing It...

31 March 2009

"I Have My Savings. What Now?"

In the process of prosperity, these are two very important words to remember: sow and reap.  So simple yet so powerful. It’s actually a law of nature: Plant today and you’ll harvest something in the future. 

Sow and reap. This principle can be applied to most aspects of our lives, and is sooooo very familiar. 

Do you believe in “karma?" Of course, who doesn’t?! But how often do we overlook this principle when it comes to our finances?  

The common DILEMMA here is that most people have not really been serious in considering the power of sowing and reaping in money matters.


Saving and Sowing 

“But I’m saving..!” That’s good. For a start. But not good enough because there is something better. 

Now don’t get me wrong. Saving up is good. It’s a basic necessity in good financing. It’s probably one of the first things you have to learn before venturing into investments. Saving is also a good habit because it involves discipline on your part, being responsible for your money and not indulging yourself in overspending. Most importantly, saving up keeps you away from much hated debts. So true. 

“But I’m saving..!”, and how many times do you hear that? Even 5-year olds can save! Saving up money is important, but for many people, it’s the end of the story. 

Saving is NOT sowing. Don’t, no, I mean never, associate these 2 words together because they’re completely different. 

In saving, your money is sleeping. But in investing, your money is working (for you, even if you’re sleeping). 

You can consider your savings as backup funds, in case you’ll need some cash in the future, great! But after you’ve used up your savings, now what? Save some more? Here’s a better idea.

Get your money working! Invest. 

And you don’t need to be a banker to do this. This is why some people fail to invest or at least start to invest in the first place. Investing sounds so corporate. As if it involves multi-million dollar projects and only giant companies are entitled to and have the capacity to invest. A big NO NO. 

Anybody can invest (if you have the money) and it doesn’t have to be so grand. You will find plenty of ways to invest even in small amounts. 

Do remember though, no matter how small or how big the money involved, investments are risks to undertake. And that is where a real entrepreneur shows up. Investments are risks, so calculate your risks, and have the guts to go forward. 

Here’s a good example (also quite common) 

There are 3 basic ways you earn money (whether legal or not, same applies): One is by employment. Two is by business. Three is by networking. We all fall into one of these. 

Example, you started out as an employee, nothing wrong with that, because you get valuable lessons and indispensible experiences you’ll need in life. But after some time you realize your income is fixed and the same amount you expect every paycheck. And there are many other things you wanted to do but your capacity to spend is limited. 

In the meantime, the best thing to do while still working is to save up. 

And you begin to wonder, “What if I could have financial freedom instead?”. 

When you have enough money, you could scout your options to invest. Now don’t be overexcited to quit your job and embark in your dream business.

Where and how to invest? Either keeping your job and putting up a part time business you could do in your free time. That’s okay too. 

But if you don’t want to waste your savings, remember well that business requires careful planning. You can also seek professional consultation if you like. Once your system is up and going, you’ve mastered the trade and your business is stable enough (which would probably be a fruit of hard labor and dedication), you can now consider expanding your business. Either you open new branches or create a franchising system, or you can invest in other ventures as well.


30 March 2009

How to Live the Law of Attraction

There have been a lot of people now and also in history, that have credited their success to the Law of Attraction--- success in their business, career, family, and personal lives as well. If you take time to hear their success stories, you’ll definitely be blown away. How did this Law of Attraction became their secret? What has this Law of Attraction have to do to them? We’ll, they simply applied it.

So first off, what is this Law of Attraction anyway?

In simple terms, the Law of Attraction is just “sow and reap”, specifically, in your mind, in your thoughts, and the same you get in real life. The Law of Attraction emphasizes the power of the mind. In the Law of Attraction, the mind can create. Yes, it’s that simple. Your mind can create. What you think of can come true, whether it’s positive or negative it solely depends on your thinking. Good thoughts attract good things and bad thoughts attract bad things - as simple as that.

It’s one of those “universal” laws. What’s also great with the Law of Attraction is that it applies to anybody. It’s a natural phenomenon that not everybody is aware of. As long as your brain is functioning and you can think, there are no other qualifications needed. Male or female, young or old, in the Law of Attraction there are no gender differences, no age or racial factor involved. Just about anybody (who can think), can do it.

Now that it seems interesting, your next question would be - how do you apply the Law of Attraction? Well, at least, if you want to give it a try. Not only is the law of attraction simple to understand, it is also fairly simple to do. And if you’re still skeptical, there’s nothing to lose.

First, understand the way you think.

Our thoughts, or the way we think now, have been molded over time. The way we think may be influenced by other external factors such as emotion, education, life experiences at work or at home, and relationships as well. But at the end of the day, all these come together in our minds. We think about these things. We ponder. In time, we were already acustomed to think the way we do.

This explains why some people have positive dispositions in life and some do not. You’ve probably met people with ready smiles all day as if they don’t have any problems to take care of, while some people act like they wake up on the wrong side of the bed every morning.

Second, decide.

Whatever that is, whatever your thought life has become, the good news is that our thoughts can be corrected, for good. The Law of Attraction has two-sides of a coin, either you attract good things or bad things in your life. Of course you want the good things. That is why you have to "act" on your thoughts.

Let’s get the ball rolling –

Applying the Law of Attraction and Living it

Get your thoughts in check.
Subconciously, we are inclined to think positively or negatively on different matters. Sometimes we are aware of it, but often times we’re not. To be able to apply the solution, of course you have to identify the problem first. Be aware of your thoughts when its happening.

Practice positive thinking.
If you’re used to think negatively about something, do the opposite. Because you are “use to”, meaning it has already been part of your system, naturally, it would be quite a struggle at first. But do it anyway. Think positive. Plus it greatly influence your emotions too.

Dream and focus. Think of what you want and you’ll get it.
The Law of Attraction is not just about thinking, its also about getting (using your thinking). Everybody has dreams. While some are living their dreams by one reason or another, for many though, their dreams remain as - dreams.

Say you want something – your dream car? Dream house? Dream job? Or perhaps you want to quit your job and start your “dream” business?

Whatever that is, make it clear in your mind what you really want. Be decided with what you want to have or what you want to achieve. Then think about it constantly. Ponder about it. Think of having it rather than not having it. Do not doubt.

Avoid being passive and negative. Do not entertain negative thoughts that pops in your mind. Avoid negative emotions too. Thoughts influence emotion and vice versa. Be in control of these both. Remember well how the the Law of Attraction works. So while your negative thoughts are pulling bad things nearer, the same is pushing your dream farther.

Make positive thinking a habit, and soon you’ll see that it has become part of yourself that it would no longer be an effort to do so. There are many people who’ve already applied the Law of Attraction, hear their stories and learn from them - how they started, their ways to control their thoughts and train themselves, and the success that the Law of Attraction has brought them. The Law of Attraction is simple to understand, simple to do, and free for all.

29 March 2009

How to Make $100 a Day

Would you like to find out how to make $100 a day with zero investment? 

I'm actually on an experiment at the moment. I've so far come up with a list to test and find out how I can earn $100 a day in the next coming weeks. Care to give it a try, too?

Again, let me stress that this an experiment -- I still have yet to find out if any of these would work or not. Choose any from the list at your own discretion. If any of it works, share us your story.

Earn From Your Blog Through Google Adsense

This blog is barely two weeks old. I would be a hypocrite if I told you that my only intention was to share good information and insights about earning from home. Of course, I also wanted to earn from it --- through Google Adsense.

I'm no guru on Google Adsense. As a matter of fact I just learned about it two weeks ago. Before I decided to put Google Ads on my blog, I had to research day in and day out on how I could make it work for me. There were forums that were helpful enough to set my expectations that making it big with Google Adsense does not happen overnight. All of them have even said that when you are just starting, there will really be days when you would just earn 1 cent or even nothing at all.  So, here goes...

I decided to place ads on this blog as early as Day One of Work from Home: A Pinay's Project. I figured it was worth giving a try since Google Adsense is still a form of passive income that a lot of people has looked up to. 

So there...One ad unit on top, another one on the left side and another one at the bottom of the page (Google does not allow more than three ad blocks per page), clicked the Save button then waited...

24 hours has passed and I only earned 0.01 on my first day - something that I already expected. I figured if I just waited again after uploading my second post, I might just end up with another cent or  nothing at all. 

After simultaneously working with both my creativity (for my content) and logic (for my adsense strategy), I was finally able to come up with a list of action items on what to do next to up my adsense game. I carried it out as early as Day 2, then to Day 3... Day 4...Day 5. It was after a week that I realized I was already averaging 50 cents a day - not bad. At the end of the first week, I have already earned $5 - not too much but at least it's better than 7 cents.

Now that I have tested it, I have decided to list down my top 5 and share it with you:

1. It pays to have a lot of traffic to your site. The reason why I wasn't surprised to only get 1 cent on my first day was I still didn't know how to generate traffic to my blog. One good way to increase traffic is by submitting your site to directories.

2. Ad placement plays an important role in increasing the chances for your ads to be clicked. The ads below my blog title are so far my best players. It wouldn't hurt if you try the same thing with your ad placements. If it doesn't work for you, change it. 

3. Blend your ads with your page. It's already obvious - they're ads. You wouldn't want them to be "shouting out loud" that they're ads. Try to blend and match it with th color scheme of your page (it worked for me).

4. Use channels. Channels are a means for Google to generate reports that are drilled down per page or per ad block or per date. They help a lot in improving your adsense game. It's good to know how you can still make your strategy better through the use of channels. 

5. Most important of all, build GOOD CONTENT. Although there are keywords that need to be considered in order for your site to be optimized, always remember that you are writing for your audience, not for Google's crawlers.

There are still a lot of tips out there which might just also work for you.  Check out this video to find out:

28 March 2009

Working from Home and Being the Boss

Work from home opportunities is not a rarity anymore. It’s actually “the trend”.

You are your own boss. You don’t have to commute or deal with traffic or dress up. No office politics, no recession, no lay-offs. Best of all, you can build a rock solid income around your schedule while working at the comfort of your home. Working from home is actually being embraced by more people as economies dwindle and job security is become vague.

Now, if you could just give me 2 to 3 minutes of your time, I can share with you how you could make great money and build a profitable business from home.

The Global System of Automatic Information will teach you how to live, work and make money under the same roof. It’s a tried and tested system that will allow you to start your own business and work from home risk-free. The Global System of Automatic Information is actually a system strategy which is very profitable, easy to operate, and uses technology in a very user-friendly way.

You will get an e-book that will show you how the Global System of Automatic Information works. It will show you a step-by-step instruction which will allow you to decide if working from home is right for you.

With the package also comes The Secret of Success by William Walker Atkinson ($19 value), How To Talk To Anyone - 92 Little Tricks For Big Success In Relationships ($22 value) and The Report Marketing Strategy's Biggest Secret by Jay Abraham ($34 value), all absolutely free. With the package and the freebies, the recipe for success is already within your reach.


Is the 3 minutes up already? Oh, I didn’t notice…

Earn While You Are Sleeping

In these economically hard times, everybody is looking for ways to earn extra cash and while many sites tell you how to earn it, very few are actually worth trying while some are actually earning.

This article while tell you how to earn cash literally, while you sleep.
The answer is: eBay. I am sure you’ve heard of it. But have you ever wondered how some people earn money on eBay? Some earn from it by selling stuffs but majority of the people who profit from it, do not sell their own products on eBay. Its true. And if you keep reading, you will discover how to tap on eBay without investing any money or products. Just in case you are wondering, THIS IS NOT A SCAM.

The Paradise Success Kit for eBay will show you an easy, step-by-step program to have your own home-based business, including an eBay store full of new and quality products without any cash involved. The Paradise Success kit for eBay is a downloadable program. You can be up and running your eBay store in less than one day!

Included in the package are two bonuses:101 eBay Secrets and Special Report: "eBay Dropship Profits”—at a combined $20 value, it’s yours absolutely free! As if that wasn’t enough, the Paradise Success Kit for eBay also includes Resell rights so you can sell it again and again and keep the profits for yourself.

A 30-day Money Back Guarantee? Agreed! So if you’re still not earning within a month, you can refund your payment. It’s a win-win offer. No losses. You don’t have to be computer guru, you just need the right information and the right program to set up your own store and auction on eBay.

Then, sleep the day away. When you wake up, you’ll be nth-times richer than you were before your slumber.

Sweet dreams.

24 March 2009

Earning from Home

I know I haven’t been able to go into the details of how I’ve been earning from home during my previous posts. Not that I intended to do it. I’m saying this because some have actually emailed me saying, “When are you gonna give us the juicy part of earning from home?” Sorry if I have kept you in suspense.  I have really allotted a lot of time to gather all the good stuff so I could give it to you blow by blow.  Besides, it would defeat the purpose of getting you guys geared up first if you’d eventually be at a loss when you decide to immediately start earning. Believe me, it’s more financially rewarding if you’re able to have the right mindset first.

Let me give you a glimpse now of the so-called “juicy part” of earning from home:

Freelance Job Sites. There are hundreds out there, but the most that really give me one gig after another is a site called oDesk Payout is every week thru either Paypal or Payoneer (although there are other methods of payments, these two are the best ones for me)

oDesk was also the same site who sent me one reject email after another when I was just starting… It really pays to be patient (literally). 

The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

By Earning from Blogs.  Just exactly what I’m doing right now with this site.  Those ads can work wonders in giving you another means for earning from home. With just a little SEO and proper ad placement plus some strategy to drive traffic, you’re on your way to making a second source of (passive) income.  

Below are my money makers as of to date:

Google Adsense



I’ll leave it up to you to choose which of the above earning from home options work for you. If you ask me, it wouldn’t hurt to have one active and one passive income ;-).

Related posts:

Tips on How to Get that First oDesk Assignment

How to Become An oDesk Freelance Provider


22 March 2009

Basic Troubleshooting Tips for your PC and Internet Connection - Part 2

Previously, we've learned about the difference between slow pc performance and slow internet connection. This time around, I've prepared some tips for troubleshooting no internet connection and no boot.

No Internet Connection

Please bear in mind that the following basic troubleshooting steps are only applicable for DSL connection.

For wired connection (via LAN cable):

There are only two important things that you need to check to determine if you have a connection: a DSL signal and an IP address – keep this in mind, as I will be giving you diagnosing and troubleshooting steps based on these two points of failure.

a. DSL signal. Check your physical setup
- Are all cables properly connected (Fastest way to check is if the DSL modem’s activity lights are all on – power, ethernet, and DSL or activity)?
- If at least one of them is not lit, check all cables; reconnect or swap with good cables if necessary.

b. IP address
- Once verified that DSL signal is not present, test your connection by opening your web browser and visit a particular site.
- If your browser is not able to open any website, you will need to check if your IP address is correct.
- Go to Start > Run > type cmd > click Ok (It should bring up a black screen – A DOS command window).
- On the blinking cursor on the DOS screen, type ipconfig /all then press Enter.
- Check for the IP Address. If the IP address indicated is or 169.254.x.x then do the following:
1) On the blinking cursor type ipconfig/release then hit Enter.
2) This time, type ipconfig/renew then hit Enter. It should now give you a new IP address.
3) Type exit then hit Enter. This should close the command prompt window
4) Open Internet Explorer then try going to a website and see if it works.

PC not working
I know I promised that the troubleshooting steps that I’ll be posting are basic, so I won’t be giving any instructions on opening your system unit, and check internal components. There are three things that I want you to remember though and these are the stages that you computer will have to pass before finally displaying your desktop screen on your monitor.
1. Power
2. POST (Power on Self Test)
3. Boot

In this stage, the first thing that you will have to check of course is if your PC is receiving electricity. I know it sounds funny, but before we conclude that the pc is ready to be thrown out of the window, it would help if we check first some basic things:
a. Is the power button on? It won’t do any harm if your try to press in again.
b. Is the pc connected to a good wall outlet? If you’re in doubt, try a different wall outlet.
c. Is the monitor cable properly connected to the back of the pc?

Once you’ve verified that your computer is receiving power, the next thing that you will have to check is if it does the power on self-test. Here are some indications of a successful post:
a. If the Numlock and Scroll lock lights on your keyboard suddenly turn on and turn off (blink, that is)
b. If it does a quick memory count
c. If you see the Windows splash screen (obviously, because this part is already the boot stage)

Boot simply means that this stage is when your operating system (Windows) loads. If Windows does not load completely, then this might by an indication that it needs to be reinstalled. That’s why I always suggest to BACKUP your files! You’ll never know when this would happen.

20 March 2009

Basic Troubleshooting Tips for your PC and Internet Connection

As mentioned previously, a freelance worker’s success is also dependent on the technology he’s using. Let me cut to the chase and go directly to discuss some basic troubleshooting steps for some common problems we freelancers are faced with.

The basic rule for proper diagnosing is to isolate the possible points of failure.

1. Slow PC - When do you experience slow performance on your PC?

a. During boot up

This is an indication that there are a lot of programs that are included in your startup items during bootup.

Click on Start > Run > type msconfig then click Ok to bring up the System Configuration Utility window.

Click on the Startup tab. In this tab, you should see a lot of programs enabled during startup (see those check marks on the left side)

Click on the Disable All button then just put the check mark back on your Antivirus software .

Hit Apply then Ok. It will ask if you want to restart so just hit Yes to restart.

b. When opening an application

At this point, you will have to check first if this problem occurs only on one application. If it does, the safest thing to do is uninstall and reinstall the program. There are two ways to do this:

First go to Start > All Programs then go to the name of the program and check if theres an option to uninstall.

Second, if the program does not have an Uninstall submenu, you can just go to Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs then highlight the program on the list then click Remove.
You might need to restart your PC for changes to take effect. Once you're back on your desktop screen, you can just go ahead and reinstall the program.

c. When opening all applications

This might be an indication that your virtual memory is too low. By default, Windows already sets the allowable page file size. If it still doesn’t do the trick, you will most likely need to upgrade your memory.

Note: If you’re running on Windows XP, you will need something that’s higher than 256MB (at least 512), as 256MB alone will already be eaten up by XP. You will need additional memory for you to multiple programs efficiently.

If you’re certain that this is not a memory issue, at this point, there might just be a need to to check the system for any virus or spyware.

The first thing that I check is by going to Task Manager by hitting Ctrl Alt Del simultaneously. Once I see that the CPU usage is steady at 100% that is most likely an indication of a virus.
What to do? Scan the whole computer with an updated antivirus software

If it still doesn’t do the trick, check for spyware. There are a lot of free spyware removal tools available in internet.

Last tip: This is actually something that you could do once a week – Defrag and Disk Cleanup.
You can run the Disk Defragmenter by clicking Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter. For Disk Cleanup, you can go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup.

2. Slow Internet Connection

Oftentimes, we confuse slow internet connection with slow pc performance. The best way to verify a slow connection is by calling your ISP’s tech support number then have them do a line test on your connection. If the speed indicated in the line test results is lower than what you have subscribed for, then it’s confirmed slow connection problem – something that your ISP should fix.

Now, in case your ISP has verified that the line test is ok, and that the speed that you’re receiving is within an acceptable range, here are some basic troubleshooting steps that you could do:

a. If you have another computer, try to remove the LAN cable (this is the cable that connects your PC to the DSL modem) from the problematic computer and connect it to that computer. If the internet works fine on that computer, then you now know where the problem is.

b. If you don’t have an extra computer, the first thing that you could check is your browser. If you’re using Internet Explorer 7, go to Tools > Internet Options > General Tab > hit the Delete button then click Delete All then hit Apply then Ok.

c. Spyware could also slow down internet connection. One way to test this is by going to Safe mode with Networking.

1) To go to Safe mode with Networking, restart your computer, then continuously tap on the F8 key. Tapping on F8 will bring you to Windows Advanced Options menu.
2) Using your arrow keys go down to Safe mode with Networking.
3) Once you’re in Safe mode with Networking, you will get a prompt asking if you want to run System Restore or continue to work in safe mode. Just click Yes to continue working in Safe mode.
4) At this point, you can just open your Internet explorer and see if you’re able to load pages faster.

Next post: Basic troubleshooting steps for no internet connection issues

19 March 2009

The Essentials For Freelance Work

As Featured On EzineArticles

Efficiency = Skills + Discipline + Reliable Technology.

This is what I call my work from home formula. My toolkit. My mantra.


While it may be true that freelance work or working from home gives you more freedom than when confined in an office with people monitoring your activities all the time, it should be noted that this kind of freedom should still be coupled with discipline --- twice the discipline that you once had when you were still reporting to an immediate superior.

The reason for employing discipline is simple: We are being paid for our output.

I remember one client of mine, a very nice guy, who had to hire a new set of people (I was part of that “new set”), as he could no longer afford to keep chasing on his former staff for deliverables. It was so ironic that the reason why he hired people was to free up his time and allow him to do more important things for his business, like get new clients, yet only ended up getting tied down because he had to baby sit his staff.

This should be very basic - Discipline promotes productivity and cost effectiveness, both which are essential for your client’s business.

If you want to be a keeper, bear this big “D” in mind. Put quotes about it on your wall, workdesk, or any part of your workplace area. Read it. Live it.


You need not have a wide range of skills to stay competitive. Just focus on one or two and you’ll do fine. Focus on that one that you are really passionate about.

  1. Update your skills. Learn about new technology that could help you with it.

It pays to be aware of the current trends being used. In my case, I do a lot of project management. Although there are a lot of really good project management tools out there, I still would like to know which ones are the most cost effective and more suitable to my clients’ requirements.

  1. Build your portfolio.

While a good portfolio gives a client more basis to hire you for your skills, it also gives you a reference of how you continuously evolve in improving your craft. Make every work your masterpiece. Always work as if it were your last.

  1. Read and learn from the experts

It helps to learn from the experts. Find out how they started, find out what makes them marketable and learn from their achievements.

Reliable Technology

Take note: Reliable, but not necessarily the latest.

If you’re a newbie, it would be more practical to just get a piece of equipment that would serve its purpose.

  1. A reliable PC

Honestly, the first pc that I bought when I started to work from home was just a second hand Pentium IV, and boy I must tell you, it worked wonders for me --- not bad with a 512MB RAM, a 40GB hard drive, and a network card that would allow it to connect to DSL – especially since most of the work that will be done is just admin-related.

  1. A DSL connection

Two things to consider: speed and reliability.

Sometimes, we confuse the speed of our PC as also the speed of our connection. On my next blog post, I will show you some tips on how to rule out PC problems and internet connection problems.

Reliability. How many times have you called your ISP complaining about unreliable connection? Honestly, I’m guilty of that. It pays to ask around first before subscribing.

  1. A dial-up connection or wireless USB connection

It helps to have a backup in case your DSL connection fails. Take note though that not all of the bandwidth that you use for DSL can be accommodated by these 2 backups. There are times when you have to only use one instant messenger (I’m guilty of using 2 or 3 at a time) for the time being. Nevertheless, these two would still come in handy, unless your other backup is another DSL connection. That’s a different story, of course.

Next post: Stay tuned for tips on how to troubleshoot your pc problems (before calling your local technician).

18 March 2009

Having the Right Mindset

You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to have an entrepreneurial mindset.

That’s what I realized when I started to work from home. It’s quite surprising to find out how much you can do when you don’t always have to pay attention on the money that you’ll be earning at the end of the day, end of the week, or of the month. I mean, it’s already a given – you are working for money.

I was on the same boat until I realized I couldn’t always think like I was still employed by someone else – because I’m not (anymore). Besides, I didn’t want to be treated like an employee. I guess if there’s anything that I want to happen along my way – the way I want things done, the way people would treat me, the way I want to achieve my goals - it should always start from me.

And all it’s gonna take is a proper mindset.

So, how can one have an entrepreneurial mindset?

I guess since almost 95% of the population are more into obtaining security and benefits, it would be best if we distinguish first the difference between an employee mindset and an entrepreneurial mindset.

Hey, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with wanting security and benefits as an employee – I’m all for that. I guess the drawback only sets in when one wants to achieve more in terms of financial freedom. I once came across a site where the author said and I quote “Security is useless when you have to sacrifice growth to get it.”

When I started to work from home, I remember the first thing I always did in the morning even before I had my breakfast, was to check my inbox for new emails – specifically from clients who I had followed up on the previous days.

This was actually something I had no time of doing (I even hate doing it at times) when I was an employee.

I remember wanting to have coffee first before attending to any office work. For some reason, work at the office was a vicious cycle for me. I was just going through the motions – all because I had the same mindset everyday – that of an employee. Even if there was an opportunity to be proactive, I still remained reactive. Not that I complained or anything, as being reactive does not always mean expressing something negative. Initiating change, bringing innovative ideas, taking ownership --- none of those were consistently present in my system. In a nutshell, my way of thinking then was “What’s the point?”

It was only in October 2008 when I realized that an instant transition took place. I was literally selling myself – first my credentials, then my skills, then my ideas, then my ideals, then my values. It was not long after when I finally said to myself that this is what I wanted for the long haul.

I read a lot. I would work from 9am till 1am in the morning taking care of my projects and supervising my assistants. At 1 am when all of my assistants have gone home, I would start reading the sites that I bookmarked. Then again at 7:30am just before one of my assistants arrive at 9am I would read another bookmarked site. Then I would continue reading during lunch. It was work-read-work-read for me everyday and it was just addicting. What I have read just validated what my passion is all about--- what my goal in life was all about.

For the past eight years, all I did was work then (try to) save. Work then save – and that’s it. It was only four months ago that everything started to make sense.

There is no period after “save.” At least that was what I did.

Work-save-invest is now the name of the game. There’s nothing wrong with just working and saving. We live in a world anyway of risk takers and safe players. I guess what’s just amazing with applying this cycle is not only does it increase the possibility for one to have financial freedom, but it also paves the way to improve one’s skills, pursue a passion, have a paradigm shift, and change of mindset – now that’s what I’m talking about right there.

Need I say more?

17 March 2009

What Started it All

It has been 4 Months, 20 Days and 3 hours since I last stepped into a corporate office.

I used to work as an operations manager for a call center here in the Philippines. There was no problem working in a call center. As a matter of fact, I've been with the industry for almost eight years. Every minute was full of fun and excitement. I remember those days when I would always look forward to spending most of my weekends with my team, somewhere in the countryside just to chill out, relax and just spend time knowing them outside of work... Good times.

Thing is, IT WAS NOT FOR ME.

It was the 26th of October, 2008. I remember waking up one morning in my barely furnished condo unit saying aloud, "I should buy a computer today!" just like that. I said it aloud as if I wasn't worrying about the bills that I still had to pay, to think that my fridge was almost empty and needed to be refilled. Still, that day ended with me bringing a second hand desktop PC as my first piece of "furniture" in my condo's living area. From then on, there was no turning back.

I remember the day when I had my first work from home assignment. I earned $2 and I was so happy about it. I know it was barely enough to even cover the cab fare I spent for bringing home my second hand pc, but it was a start for me. Soon after, I just had to look for more ways to be productive. Only a few days after I got my first $2-assignment, a better one came along and it earned me $70 plus some really good feedback for a job well done. I remember spending at least 4 hours a day, applying for hourly jobs and only end up receving reject emails the following day. Still it didn't keep me from applying for more jobs. It was not long after that I just suddenly realized that I have already earned more than what I paid for my ever-reliable second hand pc. Before my first month ended, I could have bought another PC anytime.

So, on my second month, I bought a laptop instead :)

Now, do you want to know what else happened on the third and fourth month? Please refer to the short list below :) :

3rd month - I got my first assistant
4th month - I got my second assistant

And the list will just continue now that three heads are better than one!

So, what's with this Pinay Project?

It's all about Productivity, Paying forward and being the modern independent PINAY. After months of pondering and figuring out ways on how to be productive and be financially stable, I thought it would be best not to confine my experience within the four walls of my condo. Sharing my experience would be a good start to pay forward whatever I have reaped today.

Thing is, this has been my mindset: Rather than merely treating a work from home setup as an opportunity to spend more time with my family (which I also consider as something very important), I treated it as an opportunity to LIVE more and BE more --- discover my potential, have the ability to think outside the box, and eventually align it with the potential to earn more.

Think about it, my fellow Pinays! ;)

My next blog posts will be all about ways to earn income in the comforts of your own home. So, stay tuned!

Be productive, Pinay!
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